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The Horseshoe Curve Branch Line

My N-Scale Layout depicting the Horseshoe Curve during the late reign of the PRR, early PC years

Re-laying the track : Complete, and updates on scenery....

All of the track has been installed on top of the black ballast stone, thus finishing the "curve" at the top part of the layout. After much trial and error with the DC power setup, all four tracks are now operational. Below is a photo after completing the track job-

While working around the mountains laying track, the scenery became a little cumbersome to deal with, causing some of it to fall off. As seen in the first photo, the top of the mountains are a little 'bald,' but after sprucing up the scenery, everything is filled back in. Below are two photos that show both the replaced areas of scenery, as well as progress made on filling in the exposed surface ground area-

The completion of the Horseshoe Curve Branch Line is just around the curve!

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