The four tracks are completed!
Influential progress has been made on the Horseshoe Curve Branch Line, and that is completing the other three inner tracks. You can see what the total of the four tracks look like below.
The official "curve" of the Horseshoe Curve hasn't yet been completed, but this step will have to wait until after the foam mountain/scenery is in place, since Atlas 30 in. flex-track sections will be employed to form the curve shape. Note: as my layout obviously doesn't permit the space to make the ascending & descending track of the curve to proto-typically spread out in opposite directions, I had to make them all meet by a different means, which is at the bottom of the layout. Nevertheless, the rest of the construction forthcoming on the Horseshoe Curve Branch Line will be able proceed, remaining as strict as possible to the prototype.
Coming soon- Updates on the construction of surrounding mountains/scenery